W.A.S.P. (film or limited series)

A woman saluting in front of planes.

Status – Available

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In 1942, America was at war and the need for pilots was great. 1,074 female pilots answered the call and, for the first time, began flying military aircraft in a special program known as W.A.S.P. (Women Air Service Pilots). By the time the war was over, thirty-eight brave female fliers had sacrificed their lives in service to our country.

W.A.S.P. focuses on a select few: the first group of women – the “guinea pigs” — who championed the W.A.S.P. program at great physical and emotional cost, but who also experienced extraordinary adventures and intense camaraderie. These women are war heroes, who fought on two fronts – both against the foreign enemy and simultaneously against the entrenched sexism of the system at home..W.A.S.P. is the war story we haven’t yet seen: about women who are every bit as brave, flawed, and heroic as their male counterparts.

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New Readers Guide for Hannah’s War

A red book cover with the words " hannah 's war ".

I’ve just posted the new Readers Guide for Hannah’s War. @littlebrown came up with a host of fascinating questions for discussion by Book Clubs. The questions are also an excellent companion piece to the book, inspiring the reader to think more deeply about the events and themes of the book.

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Chain Reaction

A man and woman holding a stuffed animal.

The chain reaction leading to my death has been accelerated by my own divided heart. I see that now, in a way I never could when this was all theory, white chalk on a blackboard, equations like pale bones scattered across scorched earth.

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