A close up of two slices of cake on a plate

Edith Warner lived in a little house beside Otawi Bridge. During the Manhattan Project years, she operated a small tearoom in her home, always frequented by Los Alamos scientists. Oppenheimer recognized that his research and project teams needed to feel appreciated…and well-fed. He arranged for Edith to have access to otherwise-rationed supplies; she was given…

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New for Book Clubs: Virtual appearances and downloads

A woman sitting at a table with two books.

You need a mention in the first words what this news is. I’m thrilled to have a new section on the website designed and built specifically for book clubs. Downloads for bookclubs and book-a-virtual appearance. There is nothing I love more than talking with Book Clubs about Hannah’s War; the dynamic engagement with readers bring the characters, the story, and the themes of Hannah’s War to life. I have done many Virtual Q and A’s with Book Clubs on Zoom and Skype; the conversations are inspiring and enthralling for both writer and readers. Find out more on the new Book Club page!

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New Article in The Day: Novelist Jan Eliasberg reimagines amazing story of female physicist and the atomic bomb

A black and white image of the logo for the daily.

Novelists are routinely inspired by big moments and charismatic figures from history. But a brief allusion to an anonymous person in a 75-year-old newspaper article? Not so much. And yet Jan Eliasberg, an award-winning screenwriter and director of film and television, was perusing microfilm in the New York Public Library and came across an issue…

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Connecting Book Clubs

A book and food on top of a table.

an Eliasberg introduces free downloads and tools for book clubs to connect with her and her book, Hannah’s War.

There is nothing I love more than talking with Book Clubs about Hannah’s War; the dynamic engagement with readers bring the characters, the story, and the themes of Hannah’s War to life. I have done many Virtual Q and A’s with Book Clubs on Zoom and Skype; the conversations are inspiring and enthralling for both writer and readers.

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Book tip: “Hannah’s War,” Jan Eliasberg

A woman with a necklace on her neck.

A few years ago, author Jan Eliasberg read a clip that appeared in the New York Times on the day American forces dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. One sentence alluded to an unnamed female, non-Aryan physicist without whose work on molecular fission the bomb could not have been made.

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Lise-Meitner by Zsuzsa Szvath

In the August 7, 1945 issue of the New York Times under the headline: FIRST ATOMIC BOMB DROPPED ON JAPAN; TRUMAN WARNS FOE OF A ‘RAIN OF RUIN,’” an article traces the simultaneously terrifying and wondrous development of the atomic bomb, its scientific history, and the race between the Allies and the Germans to attain the ultimate weapon. Somewhere under the fold, buried in a dense paragraph, this sentence appears: “The key component that allowed the Allies to develop the bomb was brought to the Allies by a female, ‘non-Aryan’ physicist.” Who was this woman?

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